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Progress on My Book

Hi Dog-lovers! I see that I have not blogged in a while—I’ve been too busy helping my person rewrite my book, Clemmy Gets a Family. Guys, the book is going to be AMAZING. And not just because I am the star. My person found an amazing illustrator who can bring my...

Revamped Books About ME!!

  Several years ago, my person put out a series of four books featuring me: Clemmy. She did it fast, cheap and easy. It shows. I could have just left it there. But my story is important! I told her that she should rewrite them–I’d give her the words....

Clemmy the Brave, the Author

You’re never gonna believe this. But it is true. My person just told me that she wants to improve the books about me. How is she going to do this? I’m glad you asked.  She says I AM GOING TO BE THE AUTHOR! Now, I know I’m good at blogging. And...

Old Age

The other day a man at our door commented that I am looking old. How rude! Jusst because my fur is a little mottled and my muzzle a bit gray. But I am coming up to my 9th birthday–63 in dog years and 83 in bulldog years. (I made the second part up, because my...

Age is Just a Number

Just over two months ago I celebrated my eighth birthday. In dog years, that makes me 56. In bulldog years, probably more like 80.  I could be sad. One of my eyes is fogged over, I have age spots on my tummy, my fur is getting patchy, and I prefer to walk as little as...